Cotswold Natural Mindfulness & Forest Bathing

Guide Training Refresher Courses

NEW FOR 2024


These experiential Natural Mindfulness guide training refresher days are currently only available for guides who have attended either my residential guide training courses at Hawkwood College, or my 21 day Natural Mindfulness online guide training programme. For more information visit my Natural Mindfulness Online Guide Training page. 
NEW FOR 2024

Nature Connection Guides who have attended one of my Natural Mindfulness Guide Training Courses are invited to attend a Refresher course with me during late Spring, Summer & early Autumn in 2024. They are a perfect way to refresh and expand natural mindfulness guide practice and connect with nature and other guides who have attended one of my guide trainings. All sessions will be guided by me, Ian Banyard, in the beautiful Cotswold countryside near Cheltenham in Gloucestershire. For just £35.00 you will get the opportunity to experience guided natural mindfulness practice with me and improve your ability and confidence to guide others to practice natural mindfulness in a LIVE environment. There will also be an opportunity to develop some of your own ideas and share with like-hearted/minded, nature conscious people who share your passion for nature connection. These Refresher Friday courses are also the ideal opportunity for any guides who haven’t been able to complete their natural mindfulness guide training yet. As well as refresh, expand, practice and meet other guides, they will also be able to complete the course and receive their certification as Natural Mindfulness guides from me on the day.

If you either…
  1. haven’t yet completed my course and would like to talk to me about completing this way, OR
  2. have already completed, but would like an opportunity to refresh your knowledge and skills with me here in the Gloucestershire Cotswolds,

Download a booking form below and register your interest.

Here are the current Refresher Friday course dates available with a downloadable booking form link you can use to register your interest.


Friday 3rd May – NOW COMPLETED

Thank you Deborah, Michele and Liza for joining me for the first Natural Mindfulness guide Refresher day.


Sunday 7th July 2024 from 9.30am – 2.30pm;  LocationDowdeswell Park, Gloucestershire;

AUTUMN 2024 DATES – coming soon

LocationDowdeswell Park, Gloucestershire;

Reflections from previous attendees…
Ian thank you again, for making this available for people who struggle to find a place in what they believe, and know is something that truly is a life long benefit ! If you do get the chance to attend one of these days or, are thinking about it, i promise you would not be let down. 
 …thought provoking emotional, full of smiles and one of the best days. Deborah.

Deep gratitude for a truly wonderful day, thank you Ian. Fabulous to meet everyone and finally you! I feel so much more confident guiding now. Michele.

Thank you Ian – I felt you got the balance perfect between guiding us through natural mindfulness experiences and sharing the practical reality of making this work as a business. Liza.

If you are a natural mindfulness guide who has trained with me and would like to join the next refresher day, please get in touch